First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Apartment, suite, etc
Post Code
Email Address
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Off Water Contact Number
I want to learn to sailI have had some dinghy experienceI have had some keel boat experienceI am a confident sailor
Privacy Consent *
I have read and consent to the MBBC Sailing Section privacy policy and allow MBBC to use my details to contact me in future.I have read and consent to the MBBC Sailing Section privacy policy and allow MBBC to use my details to contact me in future.MBBC Sailing Section Privacy Policy
Disclaimer *
I agree to the following Sailing Disclaimer.
MBBC Sailing cordially offers you the opportunity to sail on one of the member’s boats during their participation in one of our social sailing events. Regardless of MBBC Sailing’s impeccable crew safety record, the club is obliged to ensure you are aware that that sailing is considered by authorities to be a dangerous sporting activity and the safety of guest crews must be considered based on the type of boat, weather conditions and the guest’s capabilities. Your allocated skipper will advise you further based on weather and sea conditions expected to be encountered. The discussion with your skipper should be completed to your satisfaction prior to signing this form. Guest crew participate in the events entirely at their own risk. The MBBC and its volunteers will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, prior to, during, or after the events. The guest crew’s decision to participate will be considered as testimony that: * you have discussed the day’s event with your allocated skipper and are satisfied that the boat is safe and you have been adequately informed as to the expected weather and sea conditions; * from the discussion you understand the skipper and crew have the necessary knowledge and skills to safely participate in and complete the event; * you indemnify the MBBC, its agents and volunteers from any responsibility for any matter relating to the boat’s participation in the race. * This testimony is made in relation to the application of the Civil Liability Act 2003 to dangerous recreational activities.
For further questions please contact Michael Elliot on 0407936811